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  • Posted on: Mar 21, 2014

    Here is a little trick to spice up the editorial view when using simple selection lists in EPiServer: The SelectItem Text property in selection factories can contain html, which means that you can easily make the editorial controls look a bit more...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 21, 2014

    The other day I got a question from a collegue of mine whether or not the piece I wrote on supplying scheduled jobs with input parameters (EPiServer CMS6R2) would still work for version 7.5. I suspected it would, but since … Continue reading →

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2014

    Originally posted on Celerity’s blog: Part 1 and Part 2 When developing an intranet, one of the items to consider straight out of the gate is  security . A content management system will help you get started, but there are still a number of things...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2014

    A while ago we developed an enterprise solution for a customer containing two EPiServer sites. We wanted to be able to share page types and blocks between the sites but in many cases have a separate MVC controller and view. This was the solution I...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2014

    A while ago we developed an enterprise solution for a customer containing two EPiServer sites. We wanted to be able to share page types and blocks between the sites but in many cases have a separate MVC controller and view. This was the solution I...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2014

    A while ago we developed an enterprise solution for a customer containing two EPiServer sites. We wanted to be able to share page types and blocks between the sites but in many cases have a separate MVC controller and view. This was the solution I...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2014

    A while ago we developed an enterprise solution for a customer containing two EPiServer sites. We wanted to be able to share page types and blocks between the sites but in many cases have a separate MVC controller and view. This was the solution I...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2014

    A while ago we developed an enterprise solution for a customer containing two EPiServer sites. We wanted to be able to share page types and blocks between the sites but in many cases have a separate MVC controller and view. This was the solution I...