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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 23, 2014

    Update: If you’re using EPiServer 7 (or later version), please see my updated post ! If you move a page in the page tree, the url to the page will change. There are numerous available solutions to handle this, e.g. by saving the old url and set up...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 22, 2014

    EPiServer 7 and 7.5 still have this nasty bug that it uses wrong culture for showing resource texts and datetimes etc. You can read more about the bug from here: There is a...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 20, 2014

    Sometimes you want a small variation of a block. E.g. in one content area you want the teaser blocks to have headings and in another area no headings. You basically have two options to achieve this; use tags to select another renderer or the new...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 20, 2014

    Feature Toggling Framework for Various Types of Applications Have you ever wrote the code like following to verify that either you have to disable or enable some functionality base on set of conditions (usually different sources): if(Configuration...

  • Posted on: Jan 20, 2014

    I have gotten quite a few questions from both the forum and developer support regarding how to populate a drop down list depends on value of another drop down list in All Properties mode. In a recent blog post, my colleague Linus Ekström has...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 16, 2014

    We noticed a weird problem on one of our test servers in my current project some time ago. For some reason there was a massive output of JavaScript in the EPiServer ActionWindow, in addition to the normal functionality making it … Continue reading...

  • Posted on: Jan 16, 2014

    In this post I’ll show how to create editors for complex properties in EPiServer. With complex properties I am referring to block properties that have several sub properties. For this blog post, I’ll be using the ButtonBlock of the Alloy Template...

  • Posted on: Jan 14, 2014

    I was creating a search page for a customer using EPiServer Find. As they have plenty of page types, I decided to use unified search . However, they also have a lot of documents (PDFs) that should also be searchable .No problem, unified search tak...