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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 25, 2013

    I've been recently in need of an EPiServer 6 property that provides an editor with an ability to select a time zone. It's a cute little piece of code that might save some time for you.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 24, 2013

    ContentArea when empty (no blocks dragged) returns null in code. It’s fine when you use EPiServer standard code for handling ContentArea rendering: When it breaks But the problem exists when you try to touch it from code or Extensions as … Czytaj...

  • Posted on: Oct 24, 2013

    I got a question from a customer if it was possible to specify certain pages that would always be displayed on top of the search results list disregarding that other pages might have higher ranking. So I added a checkbox property named...

  • Posted on: Oct 22, 2013

    I found this excellent post regarding ASP.NET 4.0 and EPiServer CMS 6: I followed all steps and, surprise: No images, no working downloads… hmm… Luckily, it turne...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 22, 2013

    A Content Management System (CMS) is a powerful tool when the functions match those of your business. WSOL strives to find the best CMS for each client based on their website requirements and business goals.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 22, 2013

    This post shows how to create a page controller for partial views in order to render pages inside content areas in EPiServer 7.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 22, 2013

    This post shows how to create a page controller for partial views in order to render pages inside content areas in EPiServer 7.

  • Posted on: Oct 18, 2013

    Yesterday I found myself in the position to install EPiServer Find on a CMS 7 site but following the eminent blog from Ted I ran in to some issues. When getting the Nuget package I also got the updated CMS dll;s as Find has a dependency to it. Whe...