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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 13, 2013

    OK, so we all know how to translate the PageTypeName for the various pagetypes for the Editor, right? Pretty basic EPiServer stuff, here’s how to do that, in case you don’t remember: The above code shows the Norwegian editors the name “Artikkel” f...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 12, 2013

    What I needed I wanted to be able to render different output formats for a page created in EPiServer. My requirements were: Render the different output through a segment in the url, not through the querystring. Control over what gets rendered in t...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 10, 2013

    Using PlugInSettings for virtual role registration on application startup gave me errors when deploying to test, so I had to find another solution.

  • Posted on: Aug 09, 2013

    Based on EPiServer CMS 7.1, Commerce 1 R3, and the Enoteca Templates Shannon Gray recently wrote an excellent blog on how to “ Do A Lot More With EPiServer Commerce Promotions With a Little Code ”. Inspired by this blog, as well as a similar...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 06, 2013

    Check in our ImageVault demo site, based on the fictional travel agency Vaultopia. It’s perfect if you want to show the product to any client or just want to familiarize yourself with ImageVault. This demo site with responsive design is built upon...

  • Posted on: Aug 06, 2013

    Dynamic properties was great for having properties that is inherit. But the new interface of EPiServer 7 makes this a bit difficult. One solution is to modify the EPiServer: Property code so it allows for finding the property that have value up in...

  • Posted on: Jul 30, 2013

    The promotion engine is powerful. It allows you to create a broad range of promotions with very different criteria and rewards out of the box. The Build Your Own Discount promotions are especially flexible. Here are some ways that you can extend...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jul 29, 2013

    When setting up a new application on a development machine you normally need to add a hosts file entry such as dev.clientname.local to point back to your local machine e.g. http://dev.clientname.local. It’s not normally a pain though it is another...