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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 21, 2013

    In this post we look at how to use ASP.NET MVC 4 features to minify and bundle CSS and JavaScript files in an EPiServer 7 context.

  • Posted on: Mar 20, 2013

    A couple of weeks ago, I got a question from a developer who was wondering what the RequiredClientResources web controls in the Alloy templates were used for. If you take a look Alloy’s MasterPage, you’ll find one inside the head tag, and one at t...

  • Posted on: Mar 20, 2013

    Many of you have probably used the funky Live Monitor with EPiServer CMS 6 (otherwise known as EPiServer Trace). If you come to deploy it in EPiServer 7 and you are creating your own site using the web site template rather than starting with the...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2013

    Do you also work on a digital agency where you have several dozen of customer sites? In that case I bet you have spent some time setting up sites in IIS web server, followed by trying to remember the path to the HOSTS file and finding an appropria...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 18, 2013

    Editor descriptors can be used to change how a property, or properties of a given type, is edited. One such example is described in my article about how to let editors populate content reference properties using dropdowns . When using an editor th...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 18, 2013

     Interface Member Type IContentData Property PropertyDataCollection IInitializableContent SetDefaultValues(ContentType)   IModifiedTrackable ResetModified()   IModifiedTrackable IsModified bool IReadOnly CreateWritableClone() object IReadOnly...

  • Posted on: Mar 18, 2013

    Based on EPiServer 7 and the Alloy Templates The new Alloy templates released with EPiServer 7 are based on a grid layout. The grid contains a number of rows in which content  blocks will automatically resize and fit on the same row or flow to...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 17, 2013

    While adding some Blocks to a project I was thinking of a concept that I’ve had in mind for a while. Some way to make it easier to hook your logic to EPiServer events such as creating pages, publishing pages. The project can be downloaded from my...