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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 15, 2012

    Recently I’ve been migrating an EPiServer Relate+ 1 site to EPiServer Relate+ 2, and I think it might be useful for others contemplating doing the same to get an overview of the troubles I had on the way. First of all, some background information....

  • Posted on: Oct 12, 2012

    As you may know the LinkValidator scheduled job for preparing data to the Link Status report is configurable via a node in web.config. You can read more about it over here . The thing I think is missing in the documentation are what the default...

  • Posted on: Oct 12, 2012

    Guaranteeing email delivery is not an easy task. There are many variables involved that could prevent your emails from being delivered. You don’t know if they are bouncing, ending up in the spam folder or just failing altogether. If email...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 10, 2012

    This post discusses some different approaches you can take to testing your EPiServer site. Unfortunately it won’t give you answers to the eternal question “what to test?”. While it’s always boring to do the typical consultant “it depends” it’s ver...

  • Posted on: Oct 09, 2012

    There was a bug with dynamic content rendering in Release v1.6.2 when in published view.  This has been fixed in v1.6.2.1. Installation The easiest way to install the assembly is by installing it from the EPiServer Nuget Feed (once it has been mad...

  • Posted on: Oct 09, 2012

    Sometimes you might want to add some validation for the user input in a XForm. I recently did this for a customer of mine. If you can manage your validation with regular expressions you’re done. Just add a class to your project like this: 1: publi...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 08, 2012

    Its been too long……………….. The winter EPiServer Developer MeetUp for 2012 will be on 8th November. This time we’ll be kindly hosted by long-term EPiServer partners but newcomers to the UK shores; Nansen. Thurs 8th November 2012, 18.30 –21.00 ish...

  • Posted on: Oct 05, 2012

    The other day we got a report of an error when using OPE (on page editing) in a CMS6 site. The editors were able to edit the page but when saving an error occurred: “unable to save”XX” because property is read only”. After a quick check what could...