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  • Posted on: Sep 17, 2012

    A small change that has been done that is useful if you use Export/Import for staging purposes is that we have made it possible to run import/export with kept identities (like when you run mirroring). You control this by a simple checkbox on impor...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 17, 2012

    A few days back I got a question of how to do fuzzy filtering FuzzyQueries and that the core classes in EPiServer.Find had an implementation of this query but that there wasn't a corresponding filter in either Elasticsearch or EPiServer.Find for...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 17, 2012

    Match parts of words with EPiServer Find using an extension method for wildcard queries. A few days ago a question was posted in the Find forum on EPiServer World that basically boiled down to how to do wildcard queries with EPiServer Find. That i...

  • Posted on: Sep 14, 2012

    When upgrading a customer site from CMS5 to 6 we got some errors regarding XForms. We got errors reporting of forms containing fields with names longer than 75 characters as well as forms with fields having duplicate names. I wasn’t completely...

  • Posted on: Sep 12, 2012

    One of the areas we have improved is the startup time of EPiServer 7, there is a lot of new functionality   that requires initialization but it actually starts faster that previous versions. Some of the changes we have done is using parallelizatio...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 11, 2012

    I’ve been exploring the possibility to change how the new on page editor behaves and this is what I’ve found so far (wow, that was an uninspired introduction even for me). The following standard page with two PropertyNumber (int) will server as th...

  • Posted on: Sep 11, 2012

    There is an updated version of this blog post for EPiServer 7.5 here . In EPiServer 7, one of the goals for the new editing system has been to reduce the need to create custom properties. David Knipe has written an excellent blog post about using...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 11, 2012

    This code can be used to check if a page in episerver is opened in edit mode. It uses HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.LocalPath to see if the word admin or edit exists in the url. private bool IsOpenedInEditMode() { bool isInEditMode =...