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  • Posted on: Apr 27, 2012

    This is the first of a few different posts I’d like to write about EPiServer Workflow, its limitations, and how we’ve provided a custom workaround that seems to work pretty well for our company. For all intents and purposes, EPiServer workflow...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2012

    I recently posted about Granular Page Type security in EPiServer using PageTypeSecurityAddOn which I created as part of SecurityPack for EPiServer on CodePlex. After discussions with some collegues I have added some additional features.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2012

    I recently posted about Granular Page Type security in EPiServer using PageTypeSecurityAddOn which I created as part of SecurityPack for EPiServer on CodePlex. After discussions with some collegues I have added some additional features.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2012

    I know this has been posted elsewhere before, but I spent some time lately to figure this out again… And so, I thought I’d post this as a note to myself – to make my life easier next time I … Continue reading →

  • Posted on: Apr 26, 2012

    For more information about the multiple property assembly please refer to codeplex . There you will find various links to previous posts, documentation, downloads and examples. New Features Some new properties have been added to the MultipleProper...

  • Posted on: Apr 26, 2012

    In the past I have been plagued with issues where EPiServer scheduled jobs have suddenly stopped working and get stuck in a running state.  This is possibly caused by application restarts/redeployments while jobs are in progress and many other...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 25, 2012

      There are some instances when we need to know the Parent nodes of a Page based on [catalogue] Product Listing. E.g. I have a scenario when we are setting up header menus for products. Editor can select a parent Node for display child nodes as...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 25, 2012

    I was at a client site and they asked why users could edit a page that they did not have access to create. I asked what they meant and they said they they removed Create access in admin mode for a certain page type but users could still edit pages...