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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 27, 2011

    The most convenient way to produce a PDF from web content must be the use of IText.HTMLWorker. This is a sample to get you going.  Download the IText library for .net here

  • Posted on: Oct 27, 2011

    This post describes a rather obscure problem, and its solution, that occurred when we upgraded to ImageVault 3.5.4 with .NET 4.0 and EPiServer CMS 6 R2. For once, I don’t quite understand all that happens, or rather why, but I’m hoping someone...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 26, 2011

    We ran a FedEx day here at Meridium last Thursday (inspired by the Atlassian FedEx days ) to enable employees to set aside a day to work on an idea of their own. We had three brave teams that all worked on a project related to ImageVault 4. It was...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 26, 2011

    This blog post is about creating a plugin in EPiServer CMS that allows web editors to manage the cache. It’s related to my previous blog post on using fragmented caching pattern together with EPiServer CMS . Fragmented output caching The purpose o...

  • Posted on: Oct 25, 2011

    I have some web administrators that would like to change the caption and help text for the page properties. This could be done using the xml files in lang/ folder. But since it’s a one language site and the actually editing in these xml files is a...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 25, 2011

    Google Mini and Google Search Appliance both offer a powerful search for your EPiServer site. In the most simple implementation you simply point to the box to your URL and get some Google quality results back. However the Google boxes will crawl t...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 25, 2011

    Google Mini and Google Search Appliance both offer a powerful search for your EPiServer site. In the most simple implementation you simply point to the box to your URL and get some Google quality results back. However the Google boxes will crawl t...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 25, 2011

    Google Mini and Google Search Appliance both offer a powerful search for your EPiServer site. In the most simple implementation you simply point to the box to your URL and get some Google quality results back. However the Google boxes will crawl t...