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  • Posted on: Oct 04, 2011

    First I want to point out that I am not a designer in any way (ask some EPiServer old-timer about the "Magnus Login dialog"...) and I have limited experience in working with CSS. In other words, this blog post is way outside my usual comfort zone....

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 03, 2011

    ImageVault 4 is a great leap forward when it comes to integrating with other system. In previous versions ImageVault has been tightly integrated into its hosts (EPiServer) infrastructure. Since need for stand-alone installations has grown and...

  • Posted on: Oct 03, 2011

    Hello everyone! Today I would like to introduce something I have for the last month developed. It came to me as an idea from a colleague of mine here at Logica, Tobias Nilsson, this was something he had thought about making before but never had ti...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 03, 2011

    Search engines are powerful. Truffler is a search solution that helps .NET developers leverage that power. Easily. While having fun. Last week during a presentation at a user group I showed the project that me and my two partners Henrik Lindström...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 01, 2011

    First of all we are happy for all the positive feedback we have received in the last few days. For those of you that attended the EPiServer meetup on thursday I hope you where impressed by Joels presentation. I surely was and I knew somethings...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 30, 2011

    This post was originally published on EPiServer Labs in February 2009. It gives an example on how to check if a dynamic property has been set explicitly for a specific page.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 30, 2011

    Have you ever had problems with the Dashboard giving you 404 in EPiServer before? That is probably because you have forgotten to configure  the IIS correctly

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 30, 2011

    Have you ever had problems with the Dashboard giving you 404 in EPiServer before? That is probably because you have forgotten to configure  the IIS correctly