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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 18, 2011

    This blog post is about fragment caching in EPiServer CMS. We take a look at how to use user control output caching together with the DataFactoryCache class in EPiServer. Fragment caching Fragment caching, also known as user control output caching...

  • Posted on: Jun 17, 2011

    A few months ago I was working on a project that had the requirement to restrict the number of pages of specific types that could be created beneath a page of a specific type. I also had a need to not allow any pages under a page type.  But...

  • Posted on: Jun 15, 2011

    At the EPiServer North America Partner Summit last week, I showed some code examples of: Dynamic Content using User Controls including a custom edit control Personalization Criteria including a custom edit control An OnlineCenter Gadget storing da...

  • Posted on: Jun 14, 2011

    Recently I was involved investigating a rather peculiar bug. Since there have been several related forum posts on World, and also in the support system, I thought I should give a quick “heads up”. How the bug manifests itself The bug itself behave...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 13, 2011

    Our third London EPiServer Developer Meetup will be held on 7th July 2011, and will be hosted by our friends at Rufus Leonard Hang on – let me put that in my diary…. Rufus Leonard have kindly offered to be our hosts for the evening, they are based...

  • Posted on: Jun 13, 2011

    EPiServer CMO provides 4 gadgets that enable users to monitor the most important campaign data and manage LPO tests just on the dashboard. Additional gadgets are available in Online Center after deploying CMO on website: After adding a new gadget ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 12, 2011

    Over the course of the last month or so I’ve been giving roughly the same presentation three times. First at DevSum11 , then at Valtech Tech Days and finally at NDC 2011 . As the slides that I’ve used has consisted almost entirely of pictures and...

  • Posted on: Jun 10, 2011

    It’s friday and time for another today’s gotcha! Or one that took the better part of my week actually… Exports and transforms are great We have an environment with many different configurations for our web applications, so CM is quite a big issue,...