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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 04, 2010

    To date, I have only run into one issue with PageTypeBuilder – although support for all standard EPiServer property types is advertised, the property type resolver didn’t seem to recognise LinkCollections. If you are experiencing the same issues,...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Oct 04, 2010

    I’ve been working with EPiServer for around 4 years now and had heard Joel Abrahamsson’s PageType Bulder mentioned a handful of times.  However, I only truly discovered PageTypeBuilder a few weeks back, and I have to say, it has absolutely...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 30, 2010

    Last updated: 21.11.2010 EPiCode Extensions is a library with over 75 extension methods that are really useful to us as EPiServer developers. The project has grown rapidly in short time, with new extension methods being added every week. The goal ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 30, 2010

    EPiCode.Extensions is a library with over 75 extension methods that are really useful for us as EPiServer developers. The project has grown rapidly in short time, with new extension methods being added every week. The goal of the library is to hel...

  • Posted on: Sep 29, 2010

    Have started to investigate some mirroring issues @ GarethKelly have reported regarding Itera.MultiProperty. But pretty soon (after I got the damn mirroring stuff to work :) )  I discovered that the mirroring service don’t just look at the...

  • Posted on: Sep 29, 2010

    EPiServer.ImageMap ( also known as XMAP ) is now open-source. You can find it at coderesort:   What does ImageMap module do? Editors often have to create image maps, i.e. a single graphic image th...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 29, 2010

    Tried to reach the search settings admin view but didn't get access. Snooping around led me to a new EPiServer 6 group name setting. Reflecting and found that the SearchController in the new Shell.UI has a [Authorize(Roles="CmsAdmins")] attribute....

  • Posted on: Sep 28, 2010

    Google Mini can provide a low-cost alternative to Lucene-based searching in EPiServer. Although its text-based search is simple and powerful, the devil, as ever, is in the detail. What Google Mini does Google Mini is a stand-alone hardware unit th...