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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 23, 2010

      After spending (wasting) some time tinkering with the eCommerce installation, having to begin all over a few times before finally getting it right, I decided to write down a step by step installation guide as a reminder to myself and hopefully...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 23, 2010

    Are your customers tired of being spammed? Here are the solution: A Httpmodule that obfuscates all e-mail addresses on the webpage

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 22, 2010

    This one definitely took more time than I initially expected, and before I devote even more to it I would very much like to hear your opinion. Do you find it useful? Which way should the development be going? But first things first… Have you ever...

  • Posted on: Sep 21, 2010

    Based on CMS 6.0 Sharing content with ones social networks is a popular topic in the web world today.  It can act as a means of free advertising or more simply as a way of letting your network know when you come across something fun, interesting,...

  • Posted on: Sep 21, 2010

    In a project I’m working on we need to view/change/delete some dynamic properties. You can say many things about the edit view of dynamic properties, but I guess most of the statements shouldn't be quoted. I put some code together that shows one...

  • Posted on: Sep 21, 2010

    We’re moving a client from a Dreamweaver-based site to an EPiServer site.  One of the only reasons they had left to FTP into the site at any time was to manage the robots.txt file.  We wanted to eliminate that reason so we could shut FTP off...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 20, 2010

    Recently I read an EPiServer forum post about securing EPiServer edit and admin mode. If I understood the post correctly then there is a public facing EPiServer site, using the standard SQL providers. The requirement was to prevent access to edit...

  • Posted on: Sep 20, 2010

    I recently needed to block the user / group option in the membership dialogs to only have the group option. I guess that it’s not a very common scenario but maybe it will be helpful to someone so here we go. The search user / group dialog in edit...