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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 20, 2010

    Today I want to share a simple and small code sample that I put together for a partner. In this sample I going to show how you could implement a Drop Down Menu in EPiServer CMS. There are heaps of Drop Down Menus available on the Internet. I did...

  • Posted on: Aug 19, 2010

    The other day a colleague of mine got a report from a customer that when trying to use DOPE on certain pages an exception was thrown. First I thought that it was a problem with a custom property but after viewing the code for the page type which w...

  • Posted on: Aug 19, 2010

    I just put together a VPP for using Flickr photosets and photos in the EPiServer filemanager. The photos are cached locally. Uploading (among other things) is not yet supported. This little experiment of mine should be considered an.. uhm, well, a...

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2010

    In EPiServer CMS 6, XForms and their respective posts found a new home in the Dynamic Data Store (DDS). As the DDS has a Language Integrated Query (LINQ) enabled API, the opportunities for searching through XForm posts increased greatly. With that...

  • Posted on: Aug 18, 2010

    This was a small but much desired feature among editors that had been on the wish list for a long time before finally being implemented in EPiServer CMS 6. The function means that instead of manually setting the sort index for each page, the edito...

  • Posted on: Aug 17, 2010

    Do you as so many others going mad because you always get asked if you are going to create a new folder when you open the file manager in EPiServer CMS? You should know that you are not alone, but it's actually very easy to change.   This Blog pos...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 16, 2010

    I just implemented support for the Open Graph protocol on an EPiServer CMS site to improve Facebook Share and Facebook Like. First thing noticed is that it looks that Facebook have problem with national characters like ÅÄÖ and other Unicode...

  • Posted on: Aug 12, 2010

    Have you ever wanted to replace hard wired image urls in your css files with images selected from EPiServer? That is, without using inline css in your templates. Usually, your css may look something like: You want to let the editors pick the image...