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  • Posted on: Jun 09, 2010

    If I received 1 Swedish Crown for every time someone asked or complained about why the DDS does not implement FirstOrDefault() in its Linq stack (along with First(), Last() and LastOrDefault()) then I would have at least 40 Swedish Crowns and woul...

  • Posted on: Jun 09, 2010

    There are essentially 4 ways to load items from the Dynamic Data Store, depending upon what information you have and what you want back in response. Below I am going to detail the methods in (probable) speed order. Note the speed order depends how...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 09, 2010

    In EPiServer there is a easy way to create a checkbox list property by extending some existing classes. In this example I will fetch the children for the start page and display them. In a future blog post I will show you how to do the same with a...

  • Posted on: Jun 08, 2010

    At the EPiServer Partner Summit 2010 in Malmö I did a presentation about deployment in EPiServer CMS. If you did not attend it, you missed topics like: Planning External Dependencies Installation Server Options IIS configuration differences Shared...

  • Posted on: Jun 08, 2010

    I had the pleasure of talking to Anders Hattestad , one of our esteemed EMVP’s, when I was at the EPiServer Partner Summit 2010. One of the things he raised was why the Dynamic Data Store didn’t have built-in support to store EPiServer CMS...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 08, 2010

    A few days back I wrote about a little project that I’ve been working on; CMS Properties for Relate+ . After that I started an Open Source Project for Add-ons for Relate+ on CodePlex . Now I’ve taking the time to move my code and even done the fir...

  • Posted on: Jun 07, 2010

    Was at EPiServer Partner Summit, and had the pleasure to hear Magnus Stråle talked about this subject . The key feature I think he talked about was that you have to understand that html cache don’t always need to be correct. It’s like my mother...

  • Posted on: Jun 07, 2010

    I think the EPiServer Partner Summit 2010 was a huge success and I personally enjoyed it immensely. We got lots of good feedback both positive and constructive which as always welcome. Sometime soon there should be links on EPiServer World where y...