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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    In short, ASP.NET 4.0, gives you more control. CSS friendly HTML from Server Controls by default. EnableViewState does not work as you expect in ASP.NET 2.0. With the new ViewStateMode property with values: Inherit, Enable and Disable you get what...

  • Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    In a project we’re currently working on here at Nansen we stumbled upon the need to get the name of a page type without having an actual reference to page of that type. Since we’re using Joel’s PageTypeBuilder, getting the name was a simple task o...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    This worked fine, but after some time the customer reported a bug that it was not possible to get the SearchDataSource to return search hits in the documents they had uploaded. Hm...this worked fine some weeks ago, so I did a search on...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

    Now the PageDataCollection PropertyMultiPage.SelectedPages will be updated every time a change happens in EPiServer. The MultiPageProperty.SelectedPages was implemented like this: public PageDataCollection SelectedPages { get { if (_selectedPages ...

  • Posted on: Mar 22, 2010

    Ever since I saw Luca Bolognese’s PDC video introducing F# I wanted to learn it. Since the best way to learn programming language is to use it, I tought I could port the EPiServer XmlPageProvider to F#. FSharpPageProvider  is my first attempt to...

  • Posted on: Mar 22, 2010

    Last night while working on one of my sites, I needed to go into edit mode and have a look at my site structure. I was greeted by this lovely error message instead of my page tree: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 20, 2010

    For some time now I have had problems both at work and home with very slow RDP connections making it almost impossible to work with some servers (it was not affecting all servers just "some") and today I tried to find a solution for the problem an...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 19, 2010

    Bakgrunn Epinova lanserte ny hjemmeside på EPiServer CMS6 23. mars 2010. 50 dager før lanseringen startet vi med daglige blogg innlegg om hvordan vi gjennomførte prosjektet: markedsstrategi for internett, brukskvalitet og innhold for web hjemmesid...