Configuring episerver.framework
This is a pseudo code description of the element structure of the <episerver.framework> section in EPiServer framework. Refer to the Configuration section for an explanation of the syntax used in the description of the configuration elements.
Each element name below is also a link leading to the detailed information for that element.
<clientResources debug="bool" compress="bool" />
<clientResources> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
debug | false | Defines if debug versions of included scripts are used instead of optimized versions. |
compress | true | Defines if data from REST stores should be delivered in compressed format. |
<geolocation defaultProvider="string" >
<add name="string"
type="string" />
<geolocation> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
defaultProvider | Required. The name of the provider to be used. A provider with the specified name must exist in the <providers> collection. |
<add> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
name | Required. A unique name identifying this provider. | |
type | false | Required. The full name of the geoloaction provider class. |
<localization fallbackBehavior="FallbackCulture, MissingMessage, Echo" fallbackCulture="en">
<add physicalPath="c:\temp\resourceFolder"
type="EPiServer.Framework.Localization.XmlResources.FileXmlLocalizationProvider" />
<localization> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
fallbackBehavior | FallbackBehaviors.Echo | The fallback behavior that should be used if a resource could not be found in the requested culture. See EPiServer.Framework.Localization.FallbackBehaviors for possible values. |
fallbackCulture | en | The name of the fallback culture in the 'languagecode-country/regioncode' format that the LocalizationService should use if a resource could not be found and the FallbackBehavior includes the FallbackBehavior.FallbackCulture flag. |
<add> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
name | Required. A unique name identifying this provider. | |
physicalPath | A physical directory path to where language files are located. | |
fileSystemWatchPath | Same value as specified physicalPath. | A physical directory path that the FileSystemWatcher uses. If no value is set it uses the physicalPath value. |
<scanAssembly forceBinFolderScan="bool" >
<add assembly="string" />
<searchResultFilter> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
forceBinFolderScan | false | Defines whether all asseblies in the /bin folder should be scanned to discover classes decorated with any of the EPiServer class decoration attributes. |
<add> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
assembly | Required. Defines whether all asseblies in the /bin folder should be scanned to discover classes decorated with any of the EPiServer class decoration attributes. |
<add name="string"
type="string" />
<add> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
name | Required. Unique name for this virtual path provider. | |
type | Required. The full name of the virtual path provider class. | |
... | Implementation specific settings. Can have any name and arbitrary in number. |
<virtualRoles failSafeIsInRole="bool"
<add name="string"
type="string" />
<virtualRoles> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
failSafeIsInRole | false | Defines whether the IsInRole method on VirtualRolePrincipal may throw an exception (when replacePrincipal is set to true). Set to true to stop IsInRole from throwing an exception. |
replacePrincipal | false | Defines if the HttpContext.Current.User IPrincipal object should be wrapped in a VirtualRolePrincipal. Use addClaims instead when possible. |
addClaims | false | Defines if virtual roles should be added as claims on the HttpContext.Current.User IPrincipal object. Cannot be combined with replacePrincipal. Requires EPiServer.CMS.Core 7.14 or higher. |
replicationType | EPiServer.ApplicationModules.Security.VirtualRoleReplication, EPiServer.ApplicationModules | The full name of the class that will handle replication of changes in virtual roles. |
<add> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
name | Required. Unique name for this virtual role provider. | |
type | Required. The full name of the virtual role provider class. |
<visitorGroupStatistics commitToRepositoryInterval="TimeSpan"
enabled="bool" />
<visitorGroupStatistics> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
commitToRepositoryInterval | 0.00:20:00 | How often collected statistics should be saved to the repository. |
enabled | true | Defines whether statistics should be collected. |
<licensing licenseFilePath="string"/>
<licensing> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
licenseFilePath | License.config | The relative or absolute path to the license file. |
<appData basePath="string"/>
<appData> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
basePath | The path to the application data. |
<blob defaultProvider="string" >
<add name="string"
type="string" />
<blob> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
defaultProvider | Required. The name of the provider to be used. A provider with the specified name must exist in the <providers> collection. |
<add> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
name | Required. A unique name identifying this provider. | |
type | false | Required. The full name of the blob provider class. |
<event defaultProvider="string" >
<add name="string"
type="string" />
<event> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
defaultProvider | Required. The name of the provider to be used. A provider with the specified name must exist in the <providers> collection. |
<add> Element Attributes
Name | Default Value | Description |
name | Required. A unique name identifying this provider. | |
type | false | Required. The full name of the event provider class. |
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Last updated: Jul 09, 2014