Working with media
Media (for example, files) are treated as any other content type but have an associated binary data. The binary data is stored using something called BLOB providers which are optimized for storing streams of data. Here you will also find information about how to work with media programmatically.
The following code defines a simple content type that will be used in the examples:
public class GenericFile : MediaData
public string Description { get; set; }
And then creates a new file and defines a simple txt.file with the message “Hello World’:
public void Uploading_a_file()
var contentRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
var blobFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<BlobFactory>();
//Get a new empty file data
var file1 = contentRepository.GetDefault<GenericFile>(SiteDefinition.Current.GlobalAssetsRoot);
file1.Name = "Readme.txt";
//Create a blob in the binary container
var blob = blobFactory.CreateBlob(file1.BinaryDataContainer, ".txt");
using (var s = blob.OpenWrite())
StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(s);
w.WriteLine("Hello world");
//Assign to file and publish changes
file1.BinaryData = blob;
var file1ID = contentRepository.Save(file1, SaveAction.Publish);
In the following example a file is created where the actual file type is resolved during runtime from extension:
public void Uploading_a_media_from_extension()
var contentRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
var contentTypeRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentTypeRepository>();
var mediaDataResolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentMediaResolver>();
var blobFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<BlobFactory>();
//Get a suitable MediaData type from extension
var mediaType = mediaDataResolver.GetFirstMatching(".txt");
var contentType = contentTypeRepository.Load(mediaType);
//Get a new empty file data
var media = contentRepository.GetDefault<MediaData>(SiteDefinition.Current.GlobalAssetsRoot, contentType.ID);
media.Name = "Readme.txt";
//Create a blob in the binary container
var blob = blobFactory.CreateBlob(media.BinaryDataContainer, ".txt");
using (var s = blob.OpenWrite())
StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(s);
w.WriteLine("Hello world");
//Assign to file and publish changes
media.BinaryData = blob;
var file1ID = contentRepository.Save(media, SaveAction.Publish);
In the following example an existing file is updated with new metadata:
public void UpdatingMetaData_of_a_file()
var contentRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
var blobFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<BlobFactory>();
//the file to update, not hardcoded of course
var fileID = new ContentReference(444);
//Get the file
var file1 = contentRepository.Get<GenericFile>(fileID).CreateWritableClone() as GenericFile;
//Update description
file1.Description = "My description";
var file1ID = contentRepository.Save(file1, SaveAction.Publish);
In the following example an existing file is updated with new binary data:
public void UpdatingBinary_of_a_file()
var contentRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRepository>();
var blobFactory = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<BlobFactory>();
//the file to update, not hardcoded of course
var fileID = new ContentReference(444);
//Get the file
var file1 = contentRepository.Get<GenericFile>(fileID).CreateWritableClone() as GenericFile;
//Upload new blob
var blob = blobFactory.CreateBlob(file1.BinaryDataContainer, ".txt");
using (var s = blob.OpenWrite())
StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(s);
w.WriteLine("Hello world");
//Assign to file and publish changes
file1.BinaryData = blob;
var file1ID = contentRepository.Save(file1, SaveAction.Publish);
Last updated: Mar 31, 2014