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This document describes how to configure EPiServer Full-Text Search Client (FTS Client). Configuration for the FTS Client is found in the EPiServer.Search section in the web.config and is accessible via the EPiServer.Search.SearchSettings.Config property. Most of the values have defaults and are not required. Below are tables for section and element names and their defaults.


Attribute Type Default Value Comment
active bool Required, no default value Indicates whether the Client should make request to the configured indexing service at all.The SearchHandler will throw an exception if any attempt is made to do this.
dequeuePageSize int 50 Page size to use when dequeueing queue items. How many items that fit into one feed.
dynamicDataStoreName string IndexRequestQueueDataStore Name of the Dynamic Data Store used by the FTS client.
htmlStripDisplayText bool true Indicates whether the DisplayText field should be stripped of Html tags.
htmlStripMetadata bool true Indicates whether the MetaData field should be stripped of Html tags.
htmlStripTitle bool true Indicates whether the Title field should be stripped of Html tags.
indexingServiceFieldNameAcl string EPISERVER_SEARCH_ACL Name for the ACL field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameAuthor string EPISERVER_SEARCH_AUTHORS Name for the Authors field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameCategories string EPISERVER_SEARCH_CATEGORIES Name for the Categories field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameCreated string EPISERVER_SEARCH_CREATED Name for the Created field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameCulture string EPISERVER_SEARCH_CULTURE Name for the Culture field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameDefault string EPISERVER_SEARCH_DEFAULT Name for the default searchable content field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameDisplayText string EPISERVER_SEARCH_DISPLAYTEXT Name for the DisplayText field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameId string EPISERVER_SEARCH_ID Name for the Id field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameItemStatus string EPISERVER_SEARCH_ITEMSTATUS Name for the indexing service field name ItemStatus.
indexingServiceFieldNameModified string EPISERVER_SEARCH_MODIFIED Name for the Modified field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameTitle string EPISERVER_SEARCH_TITLE Name for the Title field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameType string EPISERVER_SEARCH_TYPE Name for the Type field in the indexing service.
indexingServiceFieldNameVirtualPath string EPISERVER_SEARCH_VIRTUALPATH Name for the VirtualPath field in the indexing service.
maxHitsFromIndexingService int 500 Number of total hits to be returned by the indexing service for each search result request.
namedIndexesUriTemplate string /namedindexes/
Template to use when getting the configured named indexes for the index. Items within {} will be replaced during the request.
queueFlushInterval int 30 Interval in seconds when the queue should be flushed. Overrides the queuelimit.
resetHttpMethod string POST HTTP method for Reset index requests to the indexing service.
resetUriTemplate string /reset/
Template to use when resetting the index. Items within {} will be replaced during the request.
queueLimit int 10 Number of items allowed in the queue before the queue should be flushed and the request feed should be sent to the indexing service.
removeProcessedQueueItems bool true Indicates whether the items in the queue should be removed after they have been successfully sent to indexing service.
resetUriTemplate string /reset/
Template to use when resetting the index. Items within {} will be replaced during the request.
searchUriTemplate string /search/
Template for search requests to the indexing service. The Http method is always GET.
Required replaceables: "{q}", "{namedIndexes}".
syndicationFeedAttributeNameTotalHits string TotalHits Name of the attribute extension TotalHits which is added to the feed for the IndexResponseItem.
syndicationFeedAttributeNameVersion string Version Name for the syndication feed attribute extension Version.
syndicationItemAttributeNameAutoUpdateVirtualPath string AutoUpdateVirtualPath Name of the attribute extension AutoUpdateVirtualPath which is added to the IndexRequestItem.
syndicationItemAttributeNameBoostFactor string BoostFactor Name of the attribute extension BoostFactor which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemAttributeNameCulture string Culture Name of the attribute extension Culture which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemAttributeNameDataUri string DataUri Name of the attribute extension DataUri which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemAttributeNameIndexAction string IndexAction Name of the attribute extension IndexAction which is added to the IndexRequestItem.
syndicationItemAttributeNameItemStatus string ItemStatus Name for the syndication item attribute extension ItemStatus.
syndicationItemAttributeNameNamedIndex string NamedIndex Name of the attribute extension NamedIndex which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemAttributeNamePublicationEnd string PublicationEnd Name for the syndication feed item attribute extension PublicationEnd.
syndicationItemAttributeNamePublicationStart string PublicationStart Name for the syndication feed item attribute extension PublicationStart.
syndicationItemAttributeNameReferenceId string ReferenceId Name of the attribute extension ReferenceId which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemAttributeNameScore string Score Name of the attribute extension Score which is added to the IndexResponseItem.
syndicationItemAttributeNameType string Type Name of the attribute extension Type which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemAttributeNameVersion string Version Name of the attribute extension Version which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemElementNameAcl string ACL Name of the attribute extension ACL which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemElementNameMetaData string Metadata Name of the attribute extension MetaData which is added to the IndexItemBase.
syndicationItemElementNameVirtualPath string VirtualPath Name of the attribute extension VirtualPath which is added to the IndexItemBase.
updateUriTemplate string /update/
Template to use when updating the index. Items within {} will be replaced during the request.
useIndexingServicePaging bool true Indicates whether the indexing service is supposed to return paged result sets. Note that this should be set to false if any client filter is plugged in. If this is set to false, maximum items will be returned from indexing service and the paging will be done client side on filtered results.
xmlQualifiedNamespace string EPiServer.Search.IndexingService Namespace to use for the feeds and the feed items.
Element Type Comment
namedIndexingServices NamedIndexingServicesElement Named indexing services element that configures the available service endpoints.
searchResultFilter SearchResultFilterElement Search result filter element that configures the filter provider to use after retreiving search results from service

SearchResultFilter element

The searchResultsFilterelement is nested within the EPiServer.Search section. The element itself only has one attribute but it also may contain a collection of providers that can be used to customize filtering of search results. Adding providers to the providers collection is done using the standard ASP.NET provider syntax.

Attribute Type Default Value Comment
defaultInclude bool false Indicates whether unhandled IndexResponseItems should be default included in the search results.
Element Type Comment
providers ProviderSettingsCollection Collection of SearchResultFilterProviders to be used for filtering search results.

NamedIndexingServices element

The namedIndexingServices element is nested within the EPiServer.Search section. The element itself only has one attribute but must also contain a collection of namedIndexingService elements with at least one entry.

Attribute Type Default Value Comment
defaultService string Required, no default value. Name of the default service to use
Element Type Comment
services NamedIndexingServiceCollection Contains the available services. The current service can be passed as Name when updating or searching the index.

NamedIndexingService element

ThenamedIndexingService element contains the information the FTS client needs to call a specific FTS service.

Attribute Type Default Value Comment
accessKey string Required, no default value Access key for this named indexing service. This key should also be configured on the service side.
baseUri Uri Required, no default value Base URI for this named indexing service.
certificateAllowUntrusted bool false Indicates whether the client should accept communication with a FTS service that uses an untrusted SLL certificate.
name Name Requiredkey attribute,
no default value
Name of the indexing service.
Element Type Comment
certificate CertificateReferenceElement Settings for certificate validation when connecting to the service.

See also

  • The Search section in the EPiServer Framework SDK
  • The Search section in the EPiServer CMS SDK
  • The Search section in the EPiServer Commerce SDK
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Last updated: Jul 09, 2014

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