Area: Optimizely CMS
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The following example shows how it is possible to replace a component for the entire system, and in this particular example how the built-in EPiServer CMS page tree can be replaced with a custom page list component. The registration required is done in an initialization module using the IOC container.


// A simple component implementation represented with a dijit content pane on the client side
public class MyCustomPageList : ComponentBase
    public MyCustomPageList() : base("dijit/layout/ContentPane") 
        // Add "Hello World!" as non-persisted content to the dijit content pane
        this.Settings.Add(new Setting("content", "Hello World!", false));
Then replace the page tree component using the IOC container by implementing the ConfigureContainer method of EPiServer.ServiceLocation.IConfigurableModule in an initialization module.
public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
    context.Container.Configure(container =>
            .Named(new PageTreeComponent().DefinitionName);
This will replace any creation of the PageTreeComponent with a new instance of the MyCustomPageList type that is created by the IOC container.
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Last updated: Jul 09, 2014

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