Area: Optimizely CMS
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The following XML pseudocode describes the <episerver.packaging> section of the configuration file. The Configuration topic describes the syntax used in the description of the configuration elements.



<episerver.packaging repositoryPath="string"
> <a href="#packageRepositories"><packageRepositories /></a> </episerver.packaging>

<episerver.packaging> Element Attributes

NameDefault ValueDescription
allowPrereleaseVersions false Indicates whether pre-release package versions can be installed on site.
allowUnlisted false Indicates whether unlisted packages can be installed on site.
installationMode UI Indicates where add-ons are installed. Set to Code to manage add-ons from Visual Studio, see also Installing add-ons.
packageListCacheTime 0.0:5:0 The length of time that package listings from remote repositories are cached.
packagesTemporaryFolder   Uploaded and cached packages are temporarily stored in this location. If no value is configured the system designated temporary directory is used.
protectedPath   Physical path where protected add-ons should be installed. This value is set to Siteroot\modules\_protected\ during installation.
protectedVirtualPath   Virtual path where protected add-ons are installed. During installation this value is set to ~/<EPiServerProtectedPath>/modules where ~/<EPiServerProtectedPath> is equal to protected virtual root path for Episerver dashboard and user interface.
publicPath   Physical path where public add-ons should be installed. During installation this value is set to physical path to modules subfolder in the site root directory.
publicVirtualPath   Virtual path where public add-ons are installed. During installation this value is set to ~/modules and is equal to virtual root path to public Shell modules.
repositoryPath   Installed packages are stored in this location. During installation this value is set to subpath in site VPP directory, for example C:\EPiServer\VPP\<SiteName>\ModulesRepository.

Note that virtual path providers should be configured to map virtual paths of public and protected add-ons to corresponding physical paths where public and protected add-ons are installed. By default, additional virtual path provider is registered to map virtual and physical paths for protected add-ons.


      <add name="string"
           filterTag="string" />

<add> Element Attributes

NameDefault ValueDescription
name   Required. A unique name identifying this package repository.
url   Required. The full URL or path to the package repository.
isEnabled true Enables or disables this repository.
apiKey   If you have a static API key for accessing this repository, it should be set here.
filterTag   If this is set, only packages with this tag set are included in the listing. (This can be used to separate listings based on the same repository url.)
requestApiKey false If you want to request an API key from the repository this option should be enabled. (This is required for the default Episerver repository.)
sendLicense false Whether your Episerver license information should be included with the API key request. (This is required for the default Episerver repository.)

Default Episerver repository

Episerver central repository feed is added to the packageRepositories collection implicitly by default. You can remove this default repository repository using clear statement.

      <clear />
      <add name="string" url="string" />
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Last updated: Sep 21, 2015

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