Release Notes for EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP1

About This Release

EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP1 for EPiServer CMS 6 R2 contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes described below. This release is based on a new build (5.2) of the Commerce Manager framework.

Enhancements and fixes

  • Support for upgrade from previous versions
    Only upgrade from EPiServer Commerce 1.0 SP1 to this version 1 R2 SP1, is supported through Deployment Center.
  • Product Picker link integrity
    Permanent link support meaning that the URL is kept when a product is renamed or a product SEO URL property is changed, or the site is moved to a different domain or virtual directory.
  • Single Sign On implemented
    Integrated single login with the Commerce Manager part of EPiServer Commerce.
    NOTE This feature has been subsequently removed (Feb 2013).
  • Finer granularity with permissions
    Possible to add an extra permission allowing a user to change the line item price so that an "ordinary" user can add discount but cannot change the line price. This is useful for instance when adding a return.
  • Return reason dictionary allowing configuration
    Possible to edit the return reasons dropdown from the Administration/System Setiings section in Commerce Manager.
  • Performance
    Increased overall performance of the Commerce Manager backend system.
  • Bug fixes
    Business Foundation publishing issue and other bug fixes.

Breaking Changes

  • Increased the size of the Value column on PaymentMethodParameter, update PaymentMethodDto, updated related scripts.
  • Changed Shipping Gateway Interface Signature to take in Shipment Instead Of LineItem Array.
  • Changed loading of promotion configuration files to only load *.config files.
  • Added method to the commerce library to programatically trigger a rebuild of the full text indexes.
  • Updated full-text indexing to SQL Server 2005/2008 model.

Related Information

» Download EPiServer Commerce version 1 R2 SP1 

» System Requirements 

» Installation Instructions

» EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP1 User Guide

» EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP1 Developer Guide