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Release notes for Optimizely CMS and Customized Commerce updates


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Latest changes

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Area ID Type Description Released
  Getting wrong client IP address in cdn/load balancer environment

The wrong client IP address is being obtained in a cdn/load balancer environment, such as DXC-S.

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 2.0.1; (Or a related package);
Aug 02, 2018
  Make CriteriaPack work with CMS 11

Make CriteriaPack work with CMS 11:

  • EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack.2.0.0.nupkg
  • EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack.XForms.2.0.0.nupkg
EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 2.0.0; (Or a related package);
Dec 24, 2017
  VisitorGroupCriteriaPack TimePeriodCriterion has wrong LanguagePath

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a langfile with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <language name="Swedish" id="sv">
        <category>Tid- och platskriterier</category>

2. Change to Swedish under "My settings".
3. Go to visitor groups and look.

Should see translated content in Swedish.

Category and DisplayName aren't translated; the other values fetched from the view are translated.

TimePeriodCriterion in EPiServer.VisitorGroupCriteriaPack has wrong LanguagePath.
It has LanguagePath = "/shell/cms/visitorgroups/criteria/timeperiod." It should be
LanguagePath = "/visitorgroupscriteriapack/timeperiodcriterion".

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.1; (Or a related package);
Jul 16, 2017
  Exception when creating role criteria

If you drag and drop role criteria, the system shows an exception.

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.1; (Or a related package);
Jul 16, 2017
  Visitor Group Criteria Pack not working in Azure ADFS

In Azure ADFS Technical Criteria, "Role" is not working. Instead, you get this error: "An unhandled error has occured in a background request. Unable to load /EPiServer/Cms/VisitorGroups/CriteriaUI status: 500".

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.1; (Or a related package);
Jul 16, 2017
  OS & browser criteria do not work

Steps to reproduce
1. Set up VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack criterion using "OS & Browser".
2. Choose Operating System.
3. Choose the following Browser criteria:

Contains = User Agent value

(Get the User Agent value from this URL

Expected: Criteria pack works as expected.
Actual: Function does not work.

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.1; (Or a related package);
Jul 16, 2017
  Time Period criteria doesn't work

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a Visitor Group (named VG1) with these Time Period criteria:
    From 10/11/2016 Time 1:00 PM
    To 11/11/2016 Time 1:00 PM
  1. Create a page (named Page1) with Content1 that is displayed if VG1 is satisfied.
  2. View the page at 3:04 PM on 10/11/2016 (VG1 satisfied).

Expected: If you browse to Page1, Content1 is displayed.
Actual: If you browse to Page1, Content1 is not displayed.

New feature added
In the Time Period criteria, add a new Time Zone field to specify the time zone for which the users wants to create the VG.
By default, Time Zone uses the current Client timezone. For example, editors in Hanoi see the Time Zone set as UTC +7.
To create a Visitor Group for users in Stockholm, set the Time Zone to UTC +1.

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.0; (Or a related package);
Nov 10, 2016
  Synchronize DateTimePicker with Time Zone value

The current time in Nashua, NH, USA (UTC/GMT -5 hours) is 11:00 PM and the date is 14/11/2016.
But, in the DateTimePicker, the day 14/11/2016 is disabled.
Fix the DateTimePicker so it is synchronized with the Time Zone.

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.0; (Or a related package);
Nov 10, 2016
  QueryString: Personalized content always shows, even if key has blank value

Step to reproduce

1. Create a visitor group VG1 with criterion = Query String, Key = abc, Condition = Has Value, Value =< blank>.
2. Add VG1 to content1 of Page1.
3. View Page1 in view mode,
4. Ensure that the user does not have "abc" in the url.

Expected: content 1 does not appear.
Actual: content1 appears in Page1

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.0; (Or a related package);
Nov 10, 2016
  Missing text for downloadcriterion\Description

Missing text for downloadcriterion\Description

EPiServer.VisitorGroupsCriteriaPack 1.3.0; (Or a related package);
Nov 10, 2016
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