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Release notes for Optimizely CMS and Customized Commerce updates


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Latest changes

Item type
Filter on date
Area ID Type Description Released
  [Segment_v2.0]: Returns 500 Server Error when input a negative number in param with profile filter definition

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a profile filter definition with params being number data types (int, long, double):
  "Name": "Int_data2",
  "Description": "Number equal a value",
  "Query": "Payload.number eq {{value}}",
  "Parameters": {
    "value": "int"
  "Category": "Profiles",
  "Type": "Profiles"

-> Create successfully

2.  Create a segment with filter definition in step 1 and insert a negative number in param like this:

  "Parameters": {
    "value": -2

Expected result:

Returns 201 Created.

Actual result:

Returns 500 Internal Server Error.

Note: It does not occur in the event filter definition.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
May 25, 2022
  [InsightUI][Segment]: Returns wrong profiles with profile filter definition - space in param


There is a profile filter definition which has at least one param in the query, like this one:

            "Id": "fd_PDF_Name_eq",
            "Name": "PDF_Name_eq",
            "Description": "Name equal inputValue",
            "Query": "Name eq {{name}}",
            "Parameters": {
                "name": "string"
            "Category": "Profiles Category",
            "Type": "Profiles"

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Access to Insight > Segment > and click on Create a Segment button.
  2. Choose the filter definition in the precondition and insert the param name like: test 01.
    • Expected result: Returns only the profiles with name test 01.
    • Actual result: Returns many profiles which names do not have test 01.
  3. With the same filter definition, insert param name with value in double quotes like "test 01" - it returns the correct profile.
    If you click Save segment in step 2, this segment will have many profiles without test 01 in the name (exactly the number of profiles that are returned in step 2).
    Note: The same bug occurs if you insert parameter with value: test 00, but not for parameters test 02, test 03, test 04.
EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  Time and count metrics for filter definitions

Marketers can now set the time or/and count metrics when creating a segment based on event filter definitions, and reuse the same filter definition in combination with the time period and the number of event occurrences.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  Visitor group personalization doesn't work for segments with a query on profile payload


Create profile with Payload info like this:

"Payload": {
     "number": 2

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Using API, create a segment with ProfileQuery being Payload like this one:
      "Scope": "default",
      "SegmentManager": "",
      "ProfileQuery": "Payload.number eq 2",
      "AvailableForPersonalization": true,
      "Archived": false,
      "FavoredBy": [
      "Name": "Payload",
      "Description": "Payload"
  1. Create a Visitor Group for the segment in step 1.
  2. Set personalize content for Visitor Group in step 2.
  3. Log in to the site with profile and view the personalize content.

Expected result:

The user can see the personalized content.

Actual result:

The user cannot see the personalized content.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  [FilterDefinition] Can create a new profile filter definition with invalid property in Query

Create a new profile filter definition with an invalid property (which does not belong to the profile) in Query like this one:

POST: /api/v2.0/FilterDefinitions
    "Name": "Testing_VisitorGroup_input_value",
    "Description": "VisitorGroup with inputValue",
    "Query": "Testing eq {{value}}",
    "Parameters": {
        "value": "string"
    "Category": "Profiles",
    "Type": "Profiles"

Expected result:

Returns 400 Bad Request with message Invalid filter definition.

Actual result:

Returns 201 Created and create new filter definition successfully.

The same thing happens if you create an event filter definition with an invalid property which does not belong to the track event.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  Only 10 profiles are listed when using MatchProfileById and MatchProfileByEmail for a segment

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a segment that includes more than 10 profiles.
  2. Get all profiles and emails that belong to the segment (they are less than 500 records), do MatchByProfileId or MatchByEmail
POST: segmentURL/segmentId/MatchByProfileId 

Expected result:

All the profiles based on profileIds/Emails should be returned.

Actual result:

Only 10 profiles are returned.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  Display UI warning when the time and occurrence metric may be incompatible with a specific filter definition

An indication/warning is now displayed in the user interface when a metric is not applicable with the selected filter definition.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  Specific error message is not returned when KQL query is invalid

Steps to reproduce:

Execute an invalid query using the event preview endpoint, for example:

Events | summarize count() by Payload

Expected result:

Specific error message with details of what is wrong and ideally suggests how to fix the problem.

Actual result:
Generic error response is displayed, like this:

{"error":{"code":"400","message":"Failed to execute the query.","target":"","details":[]}}
EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  [Segment_v2.0]: Returns 500 when creating a new segment without Query property

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new segment with event/profile filter definition without Query property in Filters:
  "SegmentManager""Franklin Cummings",
  "Name""Testing Segment",
  "Description""Testing Segment",
  "Filters": {
    "Items": [
        "Parameters": {   

Expected result:

Returns 400 Bad Request with Validation Error.

Actual result:

Returns 500 Internal Server Error.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
  Hide shared filter definitions that depend on Commerce events in the UI on CMS site

Only shared filter definitions compatible with currently installed products are displayed.

EPiServer.Profiles.Client 1.24.0; (Or a related package);
Mar 30, 2021
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