Release Date: Dec 18, 2013

About this download package

This is the download for the sample payment providers for Episerver 7.5 Commerce. All of these examples require a working Episerver 7.5 Commerce installation with the Commerce sample templates installed.

Note: After downloading the zip file and before extracting the files included, right-click on the zip file, select "Properties" and “Unblock” if needed. Make sure that the extracted files are all unblocked if you have problems compiling the solution.

The code package contains the items listed and described below.

DataCash payment provider

Zip file "EPiServer.Business.Commerce.Payment.DataCash". See the DataCash for Commerce 7.5 - installation and user guide for information about installation and usage.

DIBS payment provider

Zip file "EPiServer.Business.Commerce.Payment.DIBS". See the DIBS for Commerce 7.5 - installation and user guide for information about installation and usage.

Klarna payment provider

Zip file "EPiServer.Business.Commerce.Payment.Klarna". See the Klarna for Commerce 7.5 - installation and user guide for information about installation and usage.

PayPal payment provider

Zip file "EPiServer.Business.Commerce.Payment.PayPal". See the PayPal for Commerce 7.5 - installation and user guide for information about installation and usage.