Not sure I understand your problem. You can write your own Localization provider that can integrate with MS Translator.
Is this something you want to achieve?
Hi Naveed,
Maybe. This is in relation to using the Microsoft Translator service editors use to translate pages via the CMS interface. We need a way to get the translator to not translate certain phrases, prefereably from a list.
I don't know if writing an Epi localization provider is needed in this case, but I'm not sure.
I think you are talking about Episerver Language translator Add-On
Not sure if they have the functionality to exclude certain phrases from translation. you probably need to contact epi support.
2nd Option - This add-on creates translations from the master language and after reviewing editor normally publish the page.
You can create a Phrase Dictionary to exclude from translation in cms
After that listen to Publish event (example link below) and checks if any translation contains your prohibited phrase then exclude it.
I hope that helps
Is there a way to create a Phrase Dictionary for MS Translator that will work with the EPiServer translation service? We need to block certain phrases from being translated.