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Is there a way to create a Phrase Dictionary for MS Translator?


Is there a way to create a Phrase Dictionary for MS Translator that will work with the EPiServer translation service?  We need to block certain phrases from being translated.

Mar 22, 2021 14:04

Not sure I understand your problem. You can write your own Localization provider that can integrate with MS Translator.

Is this something you want to achieve? 

Edited, Mar 25, 2021 21:38

Hi Naveed,

Maybe.  This is in relation to using the Microsoft Translator service editors use to translate pages via the CMS interface.  We need a way to get the translator to not translate certain phrases, prefereably from a list. 

I don't know if writing an Epi localization provider is needed in this case, but I'm not sure.

Mar 25, 2021 21:48

I think you are talking about Episerver Language translator Add-On 

Not sure if they have the functionality to exclude certain phrases from translation. you probably need to contact epi support.

2nd Option - This add-on creates translations from the master language and after reviewing editor normally publish the page.

You can create a Phrase Dictionary to exclude from translation in cms

After that listen to Publish event (example link below) and checks if any translation contains your prohibited phrase then exclude it. 

I hope that helps

Mar 25, 2021 22:16

Thanks for the info.  It looks like I'll have to pre-process the pages before translating to wrap each phrase in <span class="notranslate"> and strip the tag out of the translated content (unless that's done already).

Mar 25, 2021 23:16
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