Forum for discussing topics related to Customized Commerce (formerly known as B2C). Ensure to include which Customized Commerce version you're using in your posting, to make it easier for your fellow developers to give the right answer.
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29 January 2013, 11:19:26
Started How?
Blanc Geoffroy
28 January 2013, 10:00:36
29 January 2013, 11:19:01
28 January 2013, 16:02:12
Edit Packing Slip report
Patrick van Kleef
23 January 2013, 15:48:33
23 January 2013, 15:48:33
Implementing an automatic address lookup function for the Klarna module
Andreas Ljung
22 January 2013, 16:57:09
22 January 2013, 16:57:09
Patrick van Kleef
18 January 2013, 16:17:20
21 January 2013, 14:06:41
17 January 2013, 11:11:31
16 January 2013, 23:51:47
Upgrading of Commerce 1 SP1 Sample site to Commerce 1 R2 SP1
Valeriy Shtelmakh
15 January 2013, 13:14:02
15 January 2013, 18:22:10
Upgrading of Commerce 1 SP1 Sample site to Commerce 1 R3
Valeriy Shtelmakh
15 January 2013, 16:51:18
15 January 2013, 16:51:18
Clicking on order presents server error
Shaan S
08 January 2013, 14:26:41
15 January 2013, 10:36:42
potientiel bug with MetaClasses and catalogsystem or by-design?
Thomas Schmidt
09 January 2013, 9:12:27
09 January 2013, 9:12:27
08 January 2013, 11:45:35
Error: Workflow generated an exception, please look at the previous error for more details
Luc Gosso (MVP)
15 October 2012, 14:12:26
07 January 2013, 8:42:07
Top Selling Products
11 December 2012, 2:48:09
04 January 2013, 14:36:58