DXC - Commerce Config files


Commerce 12.11.0

I've configured the Find search provider as per below documentation.


Mediachase.Search.config files on both Commerce Manager and frontend sites is currently setup to use a demo index for local environment.

Additionally web.config has the following


The episerver:FindServiceUrl and episerver:FindDefaultIndex AppSetting is defined on each DXC environment, do these AppSettings take precedence over what's specified in the Mediachase.Search.config ?

Do I need to do anything else to ensure the correct Find index is used on Commerce Manager and frontend sites for the relevant DXC environment ?

Mar 20, 2019 7:19

If you want to use FindSearchProvider on DXC, you would have to upgrade to latest version (10.0.2 IIRC), which supports the appSettings configuration 

Mar 20, 2019 7:39

Hi Quan

I'm using FindSearchProvider version 10.0.2.

This is my current configuration for Mediachase.Search.config

<add name="FindSearchProvider" type="EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider.FindSearchProvider, EPiServer.Commerce.FindSearchProvider" serviceUrl="[demo service url]" defaultIndex="[demo index name]" />

How do I ensure the appSetting configuration value is used ?


Mar 21, 2019 7:43

If you have episerver:FindServiceUrl and episerver:FindDefaultIndex in appSettings, those will always be preferred. 

Mar 21, 2019 7:48

Great, thanks

Mar 21, 2019 8:00

Hi Quan, doesn't look like the DXC instance's AppSettings are applied to the Mediachase.Search.config. Whenever I rebuild my demo index, it breaks the search functionality in the other environments which makes me think the demo index is still being used in other environments. 

Do I need to create transform files for Mediachase config as such Mediachase.Search.Production.config ?

Apr 03, 2019 8:49

No, they should not, they should take over -aka FindSearchProvider should read the configuration from appSettings first. If it does not find anything there it would fallback to Mediachase.Search.config. DXC team would set those settings for you, at least if you tell them you want to use FindSearchProvider. 

Apr 03, 2019 8:56

The advice I got from Episerver Support is to create separate transform files for Mediachase.Search.config. They have said episerver:FindServiceUrl and episerver:FindDefaultIndex is defined in the appSettings however it won't apply to the FindSearchProvider settings in Mediachase.Search.config. Interesting that this is not being considered  

Edited, Apr 03, 2019 9:22

They will override, not apply. I don't know why you would need to transform files at all. For your development site, add the settings (your dev index) to Mediachase.Search.config and nothing in appSettings. Once you deployed to DXC the managed services team will be responsible for setting the right index information in appSettings for you. 

Apr 03, 2019 9:25

Yes, that's my understanding as well and have setup as such. However the Managed Services team have said that the appSettings don't override the Mediachase.Search.config.

Apr 03, 2019 9:31

Interesting,  thanks

Apr 03, 2019 10:07
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