CMO for EPiServer 10? Alternatives?



I am investigating A/B testing for a client and want to know if CMO is compatible with the latest version of EPiServer. Does it work?

Does anyone have experience with this or tips on alternatives?

Thanks in advance! :)

// Daniel 

Jun 15, 2017 12:58

Hi, Yes you can make it work.. but it is not worth it. Instead have a look at modules, found in the nuget feed. You will find the new A/B-Testing module there that is for the future :)

Jun 15, 2017 13:58

A/B-Testing add-on is future!

Jun 16, 2017 4:19

Thank you for your replies, Eric and Thach. :)

@Eric: Okay, so it's not recommended to use CMO with the latest versions of EPiServer?

@Thach: Which add-on are your refering to?

Jun 22, 2017 14:58

Daniel, yes, it is not good to use CMO at all, and the AddOn talking about is this:

Read more about it here:

Jun 22, 2017 16:11

There are a couple of reasons why CMO is a dead end for CMS 10. First the problem installing it. You will need a guid, I have one, or you email episerver support to get one. Second is that you need to install things manually in the DB. This is cause of the fact that they do not have an installer for the CMO product anymore. So it is not that easy.

Another bad thing is that it is using silverlight and component art with a messy license system :) And silverlight is a bad choice cause not many have that installed anymore.

So go for the new module instead :)

Good Luck.

Jun 29, 2017 8:22
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