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EPiServer Forms Actors Guide



Is there any guide for adding a custom actor for form submissions.  I have managed to work out the basic outline of what needs to be done.

  • Extend PostSubmissionActorBase
  • Add in a custom property editor for the actor.  (I added all of the stuff that seemed to be there for the WebHook Actor)

The probelm was that when I tried to do a property collection for the actor like is done for the WebHook it broke everything and all I was getting was an object not set to an instance of an object exception when EPiSErver initialized the properties.

So I'm not sure wether I've missed something or found an issue as EPiServer is usually robust enough that it doesn't cause issues like this.


Feb 10, 2016 0:32
Feb 15, 2016 12:32

Hi, I'm very sorry for the delay, let you wait too long. There are some paperwork to do to open source the demo code.

Please take a look at the source code here

You can find sample code for

  • A very simple Actor, with no UI, just do some business after Form finalize it submission
  • A configurable Actor, has UI in EditView for Editor, and use that information to do its business
Mar 14, 2016 12:44

For future reference, EMVP Dejan Caric has written a blog post about using custom actors in Episerver Forms:

Mar 01, 2017 0:49
Tim Schmelter - Nov 05, 2020 14:54
Link is broken
- Jul 06, 2022 13:09
Still broken in July 2022
- Jul 06, 2022 14:04
All of the images are broken but maybe I can make sense of the code without screenshots (probably not. The Episerver.Forms.Demo github project doesn't work for me and I've spent over a day researching actors online and still can't be sure how to implement them without resorting to "[Mess] Around And Find Out"). Thanks anyway.
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