Forum for discussions related to Search & Navigation.
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Fuzzy search: MatchFuzzy vs FuzzyQuery
Vladimir Levchuk
18 August 2015, 16:21:57
18 August 2015, 16:27:27
Find Issue Indexing pages
Jonathan Roberts
24 June 2014, 17:10:20
13 August 2015, 9:47:15
Filter multiple types
Patrick van Kleef
18 September 2013, 11:46:12
11 August 2015, 14:26:53
Shoma Gujjar
23 July 2015, 13:21:25
28 July 2015, 10:36:02
Error searching Find
Daniel Söderberg
11 December 2013, 16:30:59
23 July 2015, 11:49:10
17 July 2015, 10:29:19
Delete an index object which attribute contains a given value
Helani Wanniarachchi
03 July 2015, 11:32:47
13 July 2015, 13:22:12
UnifiedSearch with multiple sites
30 June 2015, 14:02:22
09 July 2015, 12:15:55
Showing XhtmlString in Highlighted Excerpt
Pankaj Nainwal
03 June 2015, 15:28:16
02 July 2015, 16:45:47
Custom Boost Matching Function/Extension
Nazim Zia
29 June 2015, 10:33:58
01 July 2015, 14:57:33
UnifiedSearch and Languages
Jens Qvist
26 June 2015, 13:16:58
29 June 2015, 10:20:34
WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server
Atanu Mandal
26 June 2015, 7:08:50
26 June 2015, 9:55:22
Filtering issue
Carl Eriksson
25 June 2015, 16:18:31
26 June 2015, 8:23:04
Find On-Premises version compatibility
26 June 2015, 0:06:33
26 June 2015, 8:17:58
Index properties but not file?
Erik Nordin Wahlberg
15 June 2015, 8:48:26
25 June 2015, 10:41:48