Have you checked that the birthday is indexed? Use the Find UI, or InspectInIndex.
.Filter(x=> x.BirthDay.Match("09/17"))
If the birtday is indexed, try simplifiing your query as above.
Thanks Tomas. The field was marked to exclude from indexing. After including it I can see the results.
Also is it the right way to get the info or any other preferred way in my scenario.
I have a page type that stores users birthday in mm/dd format as a string. There is no year.
I have a requirement to show the pages of the users who have their birthday today. I was wondering how would I go query for this since the stored birthday is not in Datetime format how can I split the value and match month and day with todays month and day.
I tried this but I cant get any match.
var query = _client.Search<IContent>();
var toSearch = DateTime.Today.Month.ToString("00") + "/" + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString("00");
var bdayFilter = _client.BuildFilter<PersonProfilePage>();
bdayFilter = bdayFilter.And(x => x.BirthDay.Match(toSearch));
var result = query
.Filter(x => x.MatchType(typeof(PersonProfilePage)))