About your EPiServer World Account, Could you contact us and we'll fix your account settings.
We'll need your current login, and what should be your correct username/e-mail.
I know there is a globalization bug in CMS 6 RC1 that will be fixed in the release of CMS 6, is that the version you are refering to ?
Dynamic properties on page providers are talked about here:
In EPiServer 5, a great tool was introduced; the custom page provider. After reading about it I decided to use it.
Now I'm wondering if the bugs in the CTP will be fixed in version 5 at all?
The bugs I talk about it is mainly the "dynamic properties"-issue which I read in the documentation would work, but sadly it doesn't. I have also noticed an issue with the globalization.
(I would ask this in the support, but I get an nullreference exception when i visit "resport an issue" (for the last two years))