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Failed to move the page X beneath the page Y (movepageexception)


Environment: Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS7, EPiServer Enterprise license, MultiPlexing role/membership provider.

Upgraded a site from CMS5 R2 to CMS6 R2.

Whenever I tried to copy/paste a page in the page tree, I got the "Failed to copy the page X beneath the page X" error as described here:

After upgrading to the CMS6 R2 .502 hotfix, the copy/paste error was gone, but I am stuck with an error when trying to move any page in the page tree. A popup dialog says:

"Failed to move the page X beneath the page Y".

This error message is listed in the lang files as <movepageexception>, but the exception does not write to the EPiServer log (confirmed in EPiServer.dll using reflector). 

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Aug 15, 2012 15:40

Additional note: I am not getting the move page error in the development environment, just production server.

I've checked that the pagetype I'm trying to move is allowed on the destination page. Pagetypes built with PTB.

EDIT: Problem solved. An external plugin that hooked onto the move page event was throwing an exception. EPiServer never caught this exception, and just threw a generic "movepageexception" message (which is "Failed to move the page X beneath the page Y").

The method that failed was EPiServer.UI.Edit.CommandActions.ExecuteCallBackAction(CallbackData); 

So lesson learned: make sure any plugins that hook onto events have proper error handling :)

Edited, Aug 15, 2012 15:43
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