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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 15, 2019

    For any organization that sells products to customers, the 21 st century is an exciting time. There have never been more opportunities to reach the right people with the right message at the right time, and a huge number of tools are available to...

  • Posted on: Apr 15, 2019

    The Visual Studio integration  now supports Visual Studio 2019, it should shortly be available in the Visual Studio Marketplace (the "Manage Extensions" menu option inside Visual Studio 2019). The Alloy sample templates that is shipped as part of...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 15, 2019

    A collegeau CMS developer asked me a maybe general but very important question the other day. Q; "When creating blocks, do you tend to put "structure" markup in block views?" My answer is it depends!

  • Posted on: Apr 15, 2019

    There is a couple of new features and breaking changes were defined in Episerver.Personalization.Commerce 3.0 In...

  • Posted on: Apr 13, 2019

    This week it what that time again where I needed to renew my Episerver CMS certificate. So here is a post with some thoughts, comments and tips that hopefully is to some use  for others preparing for the exam. A lot of things have happened in the...

  • Posted on: Apr 12, 2019

    By default, the content of a block (that is added to ContentArea on a page) is not indexed and therefore you can’t search for the content of that block instance in your site. So, the content of a page (including block's content) is indexed as norm...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 11, 2019

    The goal is to create the most dynamic E-Commerce Category pages possible with Epi Commerce & Find. First lets clarify the terminology. By category page i am referring to the EPi Commerce “NodeContent” type used to structure the product catalog. ...

  • Posted on: Apr 04, 2019

    Did you use to be bored with old marketing system? The performance when running the old promotion engine or customizing a promotion used to be a big problem. But since the new marketing system was launched, the hard time has been ended. But one go...