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  • Posted on: Jun 27, 2014

      Any developer that has done more than a couple of EPiServer sites will recognize the need customizing properties / property types in order to give a smooth editorial experience. Typically, as you want properties that mimics the business area you...

  • Posted on: Jun 26, 2014

    I had a requirement to find only pages those doesn't have shortcut link to another page or fetch data from another page etc means those pages holding the actual property data that needs to be manipulated. When I couldn’t find quickly on how that c...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 26, 2014

    Recently we installed the New EPiServer Find so we our editors could benefit from the sleek new interface from which they could view and optimisation our user’s search journeys. Installation on our DEV machines was simple and performed through...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 25, 2014

    We were experiencing some weirdness, seemingly random thread death of long-running scheduled jobs and background worker threads, in our development environments. This was bad. Looking through the IIS event log I found A worker process with process...

  • Posted on: Jun 25, 2014

    After upgrading an EPiServer Commerce solution from version 6 R3 to 7.5, we came across some issues that quickly becomes time consuming if you are not aware of them. Read about the issues and learn how to get around them by visiting the blog post ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 25, 2014

    In this post we continue exploring how we can use Dojo to extend the EPiServer 7 edit-mode interface by adding a custom toolbar button which can be used to perform actions on the content currently being edited.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 23, 2014

    This blog posts describes some new features added to latest EPiBootstrapArea plugin library. Register New Display Mode from Code Using EPiBootstrapArea plugin it’s possible to rely on some of the automatically generated display modes. Those are...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 23, 2014

    Tutorial on creating a Dojo widget for EPiServer 7 to extend edit mode with a widget in the assets pane, providing contextual information about the content being edited.