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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 07, 2012

    I’m proud to announce that MobilePack is now in version 1.0 (stable). The team (@athraen, @jacobkhan and me) have been hard at work fixing bugs and adding new features for this release. New features/bug fixes Storing resized images for 7 days...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 07, 2012

    In the last couple of Commerce projects I have had trouble with associations, when saving them I get an exception. The cause for this error is two missing rows in the commerce database, the table should in a normal installation only contain this t...

  • Posted on: Feb 07, 2012

      When working with Relate (EPiServer Community) sites you sometimes come across entity attributes idea – which is quite powerful. If you are using some of the built-in entities like IUser , Entry (blog post) or for instance VideoGallery you are...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 06, 2012

    When you have an EPiServer installation containing thousands of different pages built up by far-too-many page types, locating pages of just one of them may turn out to be just a little too time consuming. Since I have grown to … Continue reading →

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 03, 2012

    Some time ago I wrote a post about retrieving and updating the MaxMind GeoIP database using Windows PowerShell scripts, and suggested the possibility to have the Windows Task Scheduler automating the process. Mostly for my own amusement, I decided...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 02, 2012

    We’re back for 2012. We’ll be having our first 2012 London EPiServer Developer Meetup, hosted at Fortune Cookie on Thursday 23rd February. Coming to talk to us this time will be: Meridium – who will be telling us all about the latest version of...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 31, 2012

    I am struggling with an R2 upgrade and have faced a lot of problems lately. We use a TinyMCEPlugin to configure Tiny and the CSS. We use: uiEditorCssPaths=”site.css” to display the styles in the editor and on the web, note we are not using an...

  • Posted on: Jan 29, 2012

    As you certainly know, EPiServer localization is based on XML files with a certain structure. Working with translations in code is not hard, but I believe it could be even easier with a small extension, that I am going to introduce to you. This is...