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  • Posted on: Nov 26, 2010

    So, after the last post that tried to introduce some concepts and tools this posts is going to be more practical and hands-on. If there’s one thing I want you to keep in mind is the following: When talking about “testing with EPiServer” what you...

  • Posted on: Nov 26, 2010

    A couple of weeks ago we upgraded an old 5.1 site to CMS 6. We got a strange error where the rendered content of one page got messed up. After some investigation we found that a property had got it’s type changed from XhtmlString to Longstring and...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 26, 2010

    If the editor decide to delete a page om the source site, after an initial mirroring has been preformed on this page, the next mirroring will fail.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 25, 2010

    As we all know whether EPiServer is running in a development, test or prod environment it needs a license to run. Normally this is done by saving the "License.config" file in the root of the application. License management can sometimes be a pain ...

  • Posted on: Nov 25, 2010

    The title might sound like something really exciting, but it’s actually something rather mundane in one way and very specific in another. So TLDR warning! The background is that a client used too many variables with long names in the httpCacheVary...

  • Posted on: Nov 25, 2010

    This is a post in a series about testing and EPiServer. This post will cover some basic concepts as well as the tools we’re going to be using later on. I find that discussing naming style of tests, while important, can be as much of a productivity...

  • Posted on: Nov 24, 2010

    About a month ago I released version 1.0 of the search and replace plug-in I have built for EPiServer 6 and onwards. For those of you who have not taken a look at the plug-in yet, basically it allows a user to search and replace content within a...

  • Posted on: Nov 23, 2010

    In this post I will share some knowledge that can be useful when an import or a mirroring job fails. The first thing I usually do is to turn on logging for the relevant namespaces which can be done by adding a block like below to your EPiServerlog...