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  • Posted on: Nov 03, 2010

    A couple of times recently I have commented on a blog post here on EPiServer World. A little later when I checked to see if there had been any other comments added, my comment had completely disappeared! At first I though I was going totally crazy...

  • Posted on: Nov 02, 2010

    There's a bug in the XForm implementation that "allow" users to add a input field with the name "id". I put allow in quotes because in CMS 6, the XForm edit dialog will crash and not let you save the XForm. But in CMS 5+ it actually lets you save ...

  • Posted on: Nov 01, 2010

    Based on CMS 6, Commerce 1.0 SP1, and Windows Web Server 2008 This blog is intended to describe how to remove an EPiServer Commerce site and the related framework files.  Now, you may be asking yourself a very good question: “Why would ANYONE ever...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 01, 2010

    I have always want to see how many times a pagetype is beeing used in EPiserver report center. I found this link and made some modifications to make it show up in report center. I also added the pagetypes guid to make it easier to find when using...

  • Posted on: Nov 01, 2010

    The background Since the release of EPiServer 6 i haven´t been engaged in any pure EPiServer projects and therefor haven´t got to use the new and shiny features that comes with version 6. Because of that (and the fact that my EPiServer developer...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 01, 2010

    In the latest project I was involved in we created a site that would be in Norwegian, during the development we did all texts in English and as the site would not be globalized we did no changes in in EPiServer, just a standard installation. When ...

  • Posted on: Oct 29, 2010

    I have heard many rumors and complaints about how hard it is to install EPiServer Commerce. Here it comes…… “I am very sorry and apologize on behalf of EPiServer for the time wasted and inconvenience that this has caused” The EPiServer Commerce...

  • Posted on: Oct 29, 2010

    I just returned from the latest EMVP board meeting and it really struck us how extremely skilled you all are and how hard it is to keep the number of EMVPs to a manageable level, we have a list that goes on and on. We have now come to the unanimou...