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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 06, 2010

    I don’t get a huge of amount of traffic to my blog, but my most popular posts are the ones about Membership and Role Providers and their configuration in Relate+ found here and here . Today I decided to follow up these post with one covering Relat...

  • Posted on: Aug 05, 2010

    The EPiServer demo package includes blog templates with a partial implementation of MetaWeblog API which is used by Windows Live Writer for blog publishing. You can write, publish, edit and delete your blogs directly from Live Writer, which is qui...

  • Posted on: Aug 05, 2010

    For a while now we’ve been planning to release a code sharing section on EPiServer World and during the vacation times the faithful web team stayed in office to make it happen. We can now introduce the Code section . Included in the release is the...

  • Posted on: Aug 05, 2010

    I’m currently working on a gadget who’s target audience is EPiServer CMS Editors. I thought therefore that it would probably be a good idea to make it internationalizable so editors can view the gadget in localized languages. The obvious way to do...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 04, 2010

    The PropertyControlClassFactory class makes it easy to map EPiServer properties to custom property controls to modify how properties are rendered.

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 03, 2010

    Nu is a new package management system for .NET which basically wraps RubyGems. I think this is pretty cool and shows some great potential so I decided to give it a try and added gems for Page Type Builder and EPiAbstractions . Getting Nu To get...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 03, 2010

    Nu is a new package management system for .NET which basically wraps RubyGems. I think this is pretty cool and shows some great potential so I decided to give it a try and added gems for Page Type Builder and EPiAbstractions . Getting Nu To get...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 02, 2010

    Today seems to be one of those days where you pick up really simple bits of information that you’re surprised you never knew before (see Erik’s post about sending mail in a development environment for example)…… My little snippet comes from a...