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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 22, 2010

    I got the task to replace the TinyMCE table plugin with a stripped down version optimized by a colleague. What I got to work with was a standard TinyMCE plugin-folder that works with any implementation. For EPiServer this folder needs to reside in...

  • Posted on: Jun 21, 2010

    The decision was made in 2009 to convert the language branch of all of our web sites from the previously existing /en/ locale to /en-US/. This gives us more flexibility to denote both the language and the region that a particular site is geared...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 21, 2010

    In this post we’ll look at how to include EPiServer Template Foundation in your EPiServer project in order to use the different page type base classes and publish EPiServer pages using Windows Live Writer through the MetaWeblog API.

  • Posted on: Jun 17, 2010

    I have been looking and PageTypeBuilder, and the concept is great. But one thing I missed was the ability to add objects of all types and not only primitives or propertydata types. I started by downloading the latest build, and looked around. The...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 16, 2010

    A blog post about how you replace DLLs registered in the GAC on a Windows 2008 server.

  • Posted on: Jun 16, 2010

    Claims and federated security are increasingly big news in enterprise architectures that seek to implement single sign-on across different domains and technologies. This article describes how to modify EPiServer 6 to delegate authentication to a...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 16, 2010

    I just realized that I in this previous post forgot to share my “search page provider” – a page provider that searches for the newest pages in a specific page type using Johan Olofssons LINQ to PageData – and returns the results as children. It’s ...

  • Posted on: Jun 16, 2010

    If you check the EPiServer SDK they way to do it is by attaching to the EditPanel loadedpage event i Global.asax. What if you would like to to it for different pagetypes then? It would be no big thing to add a paget ype check and maybe make it...