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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 29, 2010

    When I first started developing Page Type Builder I really wanted it to be as easy to use as possible. And as I believe that almost anything that involves human interaction with XML is an anti-pattern to easy usage I didn’t want to force developer...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 29, 2010

    When I first started developing Page Type Builder I really wanted it to be as easy to use as possible. And as I believe that almost anything that involves human interaction with XML is an anti-pattern to easy usage I didn’t want to force developer...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 28, 2010

    I recently noticed that sometimes when I’m running CMS 6 in my development environment against SQL Server 2008 my database user account tends to get locked out every once in a while. Puzzled as to what was going on, I looked into it a little. Goog...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 28, 2010

    I just released the second beta of Page Type Builder 1.2. Grab it here! This release features quite a few new things, some of them rather exciting! A new initalization process. Up until now Page Type Builder has used a plugin-hack to have it’s...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2010

    How to add map markers with Google API's geocoder.getLocations(countryCode, addToMap)

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2010

    You can get a marker on a country based on the country code by calling Google API's geocoder.getLocations(countryCode, addToMap); and were addToMap processes the response from Google on the country code and created a marker and added it to the map...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2010

    So this time I was the dummy. The solution was of course a missing section in the web.config-file:                          

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 27, 2010

    EPiAbstractions has (finally) been updated for EPiServer CMS 6. Version 1.2 also features two new interfaces and corresponding implementations, IPageReferenceFacade , so you can isolate your code from PageReference.StartPage, and IFilterForVisitor...