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ARCHIVED This content is retired and no longer maintained. See the latest version here.

Note: This feature has been obsoleted in the latest version of the product.

This guideline provides basic order-related scenarios when working with the ECF API.

Adding an entry to a cart

The following is an example of adding an entry to a cart.

void AddToCart(Entry entry)
    decimal quantity = 5;                        
    CartHelper cartHelper = new CartHelper(Cart.DefaultName);
    cartHelper.AddEntry(entry, quantity, false);

Getting cart items

You can create a CartHelper instance with the name CartHelper.DefaultName to get items in the cart.

IEnumerable<LineItem> GetCartItems()
    CartHelper cart = new CartHelper(Cart.DefaultName);
    return cart.LineItems;

Adding an entry to a wish list

To add a product to cart, you need to create an instance of CartHelper first. Then call AddEntry to add a specific CatalogEntry to the cart.

void AddToWishList(Entry entry)
    decimal quantity = 5;                        
    CartHelper cart = new CartHelper(CartHelper.WishListName);
    cart.AddEntry(entry, quantity, false);

Getting wish list items

You can create a new CartHelper with name CartHelper.WishListName to get all items in a wish list.

IEnumerable<LineItem> GetWishListItems()
    CartHelper wishList = new CartHelper(CartHelper.WishListName);
    return wishList.LineItems;

Getting promotions for an entry

Getting promotions for an entry is an advanced case. Refer to the source code in the the GetPromotions(this Entry entry) extension method to see how to do it.

Getting the order history

You can use OrderContext.Current.GetPurchaseOrders to get all the orders for a registered customer (user).

PurchaseOrder[] orders;
if (SecurityContext.Current.CurrentUser != null)
    orders = OrderContext.Current.GetPurchaseOrders(SecurityContext.Current.CurrentUserId).ToArray<PurchaseOrder>();                

Getting the order detail

You can use OrderContext.Current.GetPurchaseOrderById to get a specific order detail.

int orderGroupId = 3;
PurchaseOrder orderDetail = OrderContext.Current.GetPurchaseOrderById(orderGroupId);

Last updated: Oct 21, 2014