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Episerver - update 326

New releases of Episerver Labs LinkProperty (new Labs add-on), and Episerver Campaign (user management update, right to be forgotten, notification for suspended mailing dispatch, MS Dynamics CRM: changed configuration, and feedback loop supports new email providers). Bug fixes for Episerver Labs Block Enhancements, Episerver Commerce, and Episerver Search & Navigation.

The update applies to Episerver projects version 7.5 and higher, and contains finalized work items included in the latest iteration of services and related client-side NuGet packages. Continuous release updates are cumulative to include previous updates. Episerver supports all platform updates and strongly recommends that you keep ongoing projects up-to-date. You can install the update packages from the Episerver NuGet feed.

Note: A product release may contain multiple NuGet packages with inter-dependencies. This release information lists updated main package versions. When a release is built, other dependent packages may also be bumped to new versions, although they contain no publicly visible changes. This is done to avoid dependency errors. When you upgrade, NuGet alerts you to upgrade related packages to the required versions. For Commerce, it is important to ensure that you are running the same version of CMS and Commerce, both in the front-end and back-end applications.

Updated services and main packages

Click an item in the list to see work item details.

Content_32.svgEpiserver CMS UI

Commerce_32.svgEpiserver Commerce

Personalization_32.svgEpiserver Personalization

  • Episerver Personalization 2020.22

New features:

    • Marketo ESP integration to enable US customers to use Triggered Messages
    • Content Email Recommendations
      This allows for recommendations in a similar fashion to the current product email recommendations. See the Episerver User Guide.
    • Display Recommendations from a Category without Personalisation Algorithms
      Hand-pick rule in merchandising is extended and now it is possible to configure hand-picked recommendations from selected category.
    • B2B - tracking
      Changes to allow for the extension of tracking to better enable B2B businesses to integrate with our recommendation platform. Enabling segmentation of products and clients.

Marketing_32.svgEpiserver Campaign

  • Episerver Campaign 8.37

New features:

    • User management update
      You can assign roles to users only; not individual permissions. Only customer support can assign or revoke individual permissions. Assigning permissions via roles keeps the user management clear. You can create roles with exactly the permissions the user needs. It is easier and safer to revoke a role instead of revoking permissions one-by-one.

      See also: Users in the Episerver User Guide.

    • Right to be forgotten
      In the recipient history, you can irrevocably delete recipient data. According to Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the right to be forgotten, every person has the right to have personal data deleted.

      See also: Recipient history in the Episerver User Guide.

    • Notification when mailing dispatch is suspended
      When you create, edit, or start an opt-in process and the mailing dispatch is suspended in the client, you receive a notification that the opt-in process will not start. (Usually, opt-in processes automatically start after creation.)

      See also: Opt-in processes in the Episerver User Guide.

    • MS Dynamics CRM: Changed integration configuration
      There are several changes to the MsDynamicsClosedLoopWebserviceJobTemplate such as changing the recipient list ID field for closed loop lists from email to dynamics_id. Background: When configuring the MS Dynamics CRM integration, the closed loop interface is configured in the customer’s client using the MsDynamicsClosedLoopWebserviceJobTemplate.

      See also: Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration In the Episerver user Guide.

    • Feedback loop handling: New email providers
      The handling of automatic blacklist entries based on a feedback loop supports the new providers, and

Search_32.svgEpiserver Search & Navigation

Important notifications

Related topics

Last updated: Jul 27, 2020