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Five New Optimizely Certifications are Here! Validate your expertise and advance your career with our latest certification exams. Click here to find out more
This article provides the setup instructions on how to prepare your local machine to run the InsiteCommerce installer and launch a site locally. Before beginning the installation process, make sure your machine meets all of the necessary requirements:
System Requirements
NuGet packages are available on, which does not require authentication
NOTE: Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Visual Studio all need to be run as Administrator.
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
choco install nodejs.install --force
Enter 1 to run the script.
choco install ruby --force
IMPORTANT: ISC is not compatible with the most recent release (v2.5.0.1 -released 12/26/2017) of Ruby. To avoid installation issues with Sass, please use v2.4.3.1.
npm install -g grunt-cliInstalls Typescript
npm install -g typescript@1.7.5Installs Compass
gem install compass
If there are bundling errors, try manually running the Sass task. This can be done in Task Runner Explorer or by right clicking the gruntfile.js, selecting the grunt menu, and clicking on grunt: sass.
If the following error is shown Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt. try re-installing grunt in Powershell by using the following command, then restart Visual Studio.
npm install -g grunt-cli
The X509 Certificate should only be used for development/QA, this is the certificate that comes with IdentityServer3 and anyone who downloads it would have the private key for it.
When deploying to production, a real X509 Certificate should replace this one. Developers should be able to use their SSL certificate. Add the insiteidentity.pfx file to the bin folder of the web application.
The Resharper build currently does not trigger the Grunt Watch or Restore Nuget Packages when running a build. If this extension is running, the Sass task will manually need to be triggered in Task Runner Explorer and restore packages from the Nuget manager.
Running the InsiteCommerceSetup.exe installer guides you through setting up the project directory, configuring IIS, installing Elasticsearch, and setting up the SQL Database.
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1. Welcome Screen This is the welcome screen when you fist launch the installer. To proceed with the installation Click Next. |
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2. Installation Location NOTE: Do not specify the Users folder for this location. Permission issues will cause problems when rebuilding the search indexes. It's recommended to create a Projects folder on your C:\ drive. |
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3. IIS Setup This step allows you to create an IIS website so you can view the site with a URL and without running Visual Studio in debug mode. If this step is skipped you'll need to add the domain name you create later to the Website.DomainName field in the database and also update the Identity Server URL in the config/appSettings.config file. |
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4. Database Setup Next, specify the Authentication Type the app will use to connect to the database. We recommend using SQL Server Auth, as Integrated Security requires additional steps after the installer to work. You can click Test Connection to validate. A green checkmark will appear after the validation is successful. |
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5. Elasticsearch Setup If you already installed Elasticsearch skip this step. To install Elasticsearch you'll need the location of the JRE installation. The screenshot shows the typical install location for the 64-bit version. It's recommend to leave the other fields with their defaults, but you can change the version and default install location of Elasticsearch if desired. |
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6. Site Configuration IMPORTANT: If you do not include sample data, review this article. NOTE: If you choose to include sample data, the indexes need to be rebuilt in order for categories and products to show up in the website. For more information on rebuilding indexes, refer to the understanding indexing article. |
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7. Setup Overview You are now ready to install InsiteCommerce. This screen provides an overview of the steps to finish the install (steps you skipped are crossed out). Click Install when ready. |
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8. Installation Complete Your installation is now complete! However, there are a few more steps required to get the site running correctly. |
9. Create a Custom Theme
Create a project theme using the Powershell script provided. Multiple themes can be created in a single repository, however, themes cannot have the same name.
10. Configure NuGet source in Visual Studio
11. Build Visual Studio Solution
If you still have the last screen of the installer open you can click the browse to the solution to open an explorer window to the location with all your SDK files. Otherwise, you'll need to navigate to the location you specified in Step 2.
Open the InsiteCommerce.sln file in Visual Studio. Once the project has opened you need to build the solution. The build can be run in a few different ways:
Once the build is complete, navigate to the URL you created in the IIS Setup and view your InsiteCommerce website. You can add /admin after the URL in order to log in to the Admin Console, for example:
Once installed, use the following default username and password to access the Admin Console:
Username: Admin
Password: Admin
Last updated: May 03, 2021